Follow the steps below to create a Recurring Membership or "mug club style" membership in Oznr.
1. Click into the Items section and click +Membership to create a new Membership Item.
2. Fill out all necessary fields & details for your Item and click Save.
3. Click Put On Sale to fill out necessary On Sale information for your listing.
4. Fill in your Price & Inventory for the Recurring Membership. Note: An infinite Total Quantity does not exist as an option at this time, so we suggest putting in a number of 9999.
Early Public Access: If you want your members to have early access to public offers, put a # in for the numbers of days in advance of the public on sale you want members of this Membership to be able to purchase.
5. On The Sales tab, select Recurring Subscription, the On Sale date, the Renewal Frequency of Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly as well as Post Purchase instructions you want the customer to see after purchase.
6. On Access & Fulfillment select whether you want to offer to Publish once finished and be visible to consumers, or you may leave it Unpublished and come back to the offer a different day and Publish.
Select your Access of Public, so this Recurring Membership is visible to everyone.
Fulfillment will always be Digital for these Memberships.
Select the location(s) you wish this Recurring Membership to be purchasable from.
If you have another membership program, you may select the Feature of allowing them to purchase this ahead of the public.
7. Finally, review all your selection to make sure they are correct, and once everything is confirmed click Finish to complete creation of your On Sale offer.
For the consumer side of Recurring Memberships, please see our Knowledge Based article HERE
Once your offer is Published to your Oznr store, consumers will see it in the following ways:
Coming Soon - visible to consumers but not yet on sale
On Sale - currently available for purchase
Sold Out - item has sold out & is no longer available
Closed - item is no longer on sale but has not yet dropped off store visibility