New User Guide
- Are there any best practices to using Oznr?
- Does Oznr "lock" inventory once it has been added to my cart?
- What to Know Before/After Making A Pre-Sale Purchase
- What happens if I don't pick up my order within the pick up window?
- Can someone else pick up my order for me?
- How do I know when it's time to pick up an offer?
Random Draw
- What to Know Before/After Entering A Random Draw
- Can I Remove My Entry From a Random Draw?
- I won a Random Draw but the "Claim" button is grayed out. What do I do?
- I won a Random Draw! Why can't I see it in my Oznr app?
- I see a pending charge on my credit card. Does that mean I won the Random Drawing?
- Can I enter a Random Drawing via Oznr on the web?