Oznr pre-sales are used by our partners to pre-sell limited releases, events, and merchandise for pick up in the taproom or for shipping.
Some features that make Oznr superior to the competition are:
- Online marketplace via our iOS and Android apps
- Backend infrastructure to handle large amounts of system load (spike load)
- Partial carting for faster check outs (e.g. if an item sells out in your cart during checkout, we will process the order with all remaining items vs kicking you out and asking you to start over)
- Buy Now button for faster checkout
- Stored credit cards for faster checkout
- Automated notifications for
- New Offers
- Pick Up Reminders
- Expiration Reminders
- Simple mobile "Claiming" process for quick confirmation of orders within the taproom
- Optional barcode feature for partner initiated claiming
- Partner Subscriptions which alert consumers to new offers prior to on-sale
- Max quantity limits
- Scheduled on-sale window (date and times)
- Scheduled pick up windows (date and times)
- Proxy feature which allows consumers to assign someone else to pick up their order